Ground Orchids Bloom in Tough Spots

Spathoglottis, or Ground Orchids, are staples of the tropics. They’re sturdy enough to serve as landscaping plants in shopping plazas, like these orchids on the island of Kauai.  Grown alone in pots, or in flowerbeds with other tropicals, they make gorgeous displays.

Yellow Spathoglottis, Ground Orchid flower, l scaping plant in shopping center in KapaPurple Spathoglottis, Ground Orchid flowers, l scaping plant in Poipu Shopping Village, Kauai, HawaiiYellow   pink Spathoglottis with raindrops, Ground Orchid flowers, l scaping plant in Coconut Marketplace in Kapa

These terrestrials are easy to keep in the tropics, but hard to grow elsewhere. They need lots of direct sun, warmth, water, __and fertilizer to bloom. For tropical gardeners, __and others with warm greenhouses, there are several species and an ever-expanding number of hybrids to choose from. Many can become large plants, but there are smaller varieties available, too.

White Spathoglottis flower, McBryde Garden, Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii, National Tropical Botanical GardenClose up of yellow   pink Spathoglottis with raindrops, Ground Orchid flower, l scaping plant in Coconut Marketplace in KapaPurple Spathoglottis, Ground Orchid flowers, l scaping plant in Poipu Shopping Village, Kauai, Hawaii

The next photo below shows the only one in this post that’s not part of commercial landscaping. The bloom belongs to a wild plant next to a desert stream in Waimea Canyon. The Philippine Ground Orchid, Spathoglottis plicata, has naturalized in Hawaii. Surviving in a hot, dry environment, it’s demonstrating the same toughness that allows its relatives to thrive in a concrete planter near a parking lot. For gardeners in the tropics, Ground Orchids can provide great blooms for tough spots.

Philippine Ground Orchid, Spathoglottis plicata, flower bud   seedpod, orchid species naturalized in Hawaii, growing wild alongside a stream next to Waimea Canyon Drive, Kauai, HawaiiYellow Spathoglottis, Ground Orchid flowers, l scaping plant in Coconut Marketplace in KapaYellow   pink Spathoglottis, Ground Orchid flower, l scaping plant in Coconut Marketplace in Kapa

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