A Big Purple Sobralia Orchid

Sobralia flowers never fail to impress. Recently I mentioned this plant in a post about Growing Orchids Outdoors in Pacifica. This Sobralia species bloomed for years outside in our San Francisco garden. It didn’t do so well after our move to the coast, so I finally brought it indoors. After a quick growth spurt, it flowered before we left for our recent trip to Colorado.

Sobralia macrantha, orchid species, close up of lip of large purple flower, grown indoors in Pacifica, CaliforniaSobralia macrantha, orchid species, large purple flower, grown indoors in Pacifica, CaliforniaSobralia macrantha, orchid species, close up of lip of large purple flower, grown indoors in Pacifica, California

These big purple blossoms, with sunny yellow __and white centers, only last for a few days, the very definition of fleeting beauty. The first three pictures above show my plant’s recent bloom indoors. The remaining pictures below show blooms from past years, when the plant lived outdoors in our San Francisco garden, They include a great photo of a visit by a spectacular Gulf Fritillary butterfly, warming its wings in the autumn sun, __and adding even more beauty to a Sobralia bud.

Sobralia macrantha, orchid species, large purple flower, grown outdoors in San Francisco, CaliforniaSobralia macrantha, orchid species, large purple flower bud with Gulf Fritillary butterfly resting with open wings, outdoors in San Francisco, California Sobralia macrantha, orchid species, large purple flower, grown outdoors in San Francisco, California

Sobralia macrantha, orchid species, large purple flower, grown outdoors in San Francisco, California Sobralia macrantha, orchid species, large purple flower, grown outdoors in San Francisco, California Sobralia macrantha, orchid species, large purple flower, grown outdoors in San Francisco, California

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