Summer Orchid Adventure

Phalaenopsis Mambo, Moth __orchid hybrid, Orchids in the Park 2014, San Francisco, CaliforniaZygopetalum Warringal Wonder, __orchid hybrid with green white and purple flowers, Orchids in the Park 2014, San Francisco, CaliforniaDendrobium rigidum, mini orchid species, Orchids in the Park 2014, San Francisco, California

Welcome summer’s arrival with amazing orchids. These brilliant tropical blooms celebrate the summer solstice with warmth and beauty. Within your own home, orchids can transport you to the depths of a tropical jungle, or to the heights of a cloud forest. If you take a summer vacation, orchids may entice you into a far-flung botanical garden, or into a living, breathing rainforest. Here’s to a summer orchid adventure!

Brassolaeliocattleya Memoria Vida Lee 'Light Lime' AM/AOS, Cattleya hybrid, Orchids in the Park 2014, San Francisco, Californiapossibly Phragmipedium besseae, Lady Slipper orchid with red and yellow flowers, Orchids in the Park 2014, San Francisco, CaliforniaDendrobium laevifolium, mini orchid species with bright pink flowers, Orchids in the Park 2014, San Francisco, California

These photos are from last year’s Orchids in the Park, held in Golden Gate Park. This year’s event is coming up on July 25-26. It’s definitely on my summer orchid calendar.

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What makes the perfect wedding dress?


(Credit: Getty Images)


Wedding dresses with ruffles for more frights, with looks, streamlined elegant take on. He was an Ethiopian immigrant who helped start this trend, writes Lindsay Baker.

As the field of fashion, wedding dresses is so full of cultural references and style - not to mention a bewildering variety of choices - it can be difficult for a bride-to-be to decide exactly what type of dress you really want to get across.

The bride must follow your intuition, according influential designer wedding dresses based in New York Amsale Aberra, whose projects have helped shape what is considered wedding chic styles in the last three decades. The designer, who also created the costumes for film and television, was the subject of a recent series of reality TV in the US, Amsale Girls, and became known for "Modern always" watch your clothes .

He was looking for the Amsale gown for her wedding day itself in 1985, which paved the way to becoming a designer. "I'm right where I started my own wedding," he told the BBC Culture. "I wanted a simple way for me to wear and found little in the way of sophisticated clean clothes. I thought, 'I do can not be the only person looking for something like that. " That's when I started my business and was delighted to know that my intuition was correct and that others shared my taste. "

(Credit: Rex)

Amsale 1950 appointment of Christian Dior's work as a huge influence on your style - streamlined and equipped (Credit: Rex)

Amsale, who came to the United States from Ethiopia in 19 years to study the first art also points to education as a factor contributing to their eventual career. "I grew up in a very challenging environment, family oriented. However, in Ethiopia, in those days, fashion design and not a profession was considered. I had a great interest in clothes. Because many of the modes that were available not please me, I used to make my own clothes. When I arrived in the United States that has proven skills quite unexpectedly useful. "

Complete Minimalism

Designer of "less is more" approach to your own wedding dress has become increasingly popular among designers Vera Wang wedding dresses Amsale providing fluids, clean shapes and embellished looks less - away from general ornaments that have defined the bride dress in the past. For unconventional wedding styles, bold minimalism has always worked well - Bianca Jagger in his iconic white suit in 1971 and wide-brimmed hat when she married Mick Jagger in recent nuptials Solange Knowles, who married into a modern variety, elegant styles, including a dramatic, mono wreck.

(Credit: Vera Wang via Getty Images)

Vera Wang wedding dresses minimalist was one of the most coveted by brides in recent years (Credit: Vera Wang via Getty Images)

Perhaps not surprisingly, the decade is Amsale influenced the 1950s, known for their silhouettes-stop and clean lines. "In this Dior and Balenciaga period [were] the most influential," she said. But she emphasizes that, for her, the perfect wedding dress transcends fashion. "I try not to focus on the trends," she said, focusing on creating "timeless dresses that the bride can look back 20 years later and I still love it as much as he did the day of her wedding. "

Yet, even in comparison with the support appears stitching style plays an important role. Mercer Amsale dress, for example, is relaxed and minimalist but with huge angular curved origami style at the back. "Often in the design, I like to have a single focal point," says the designer. "With the Mercer use the bow is the key ... and the scale is very important."

(Credit: AF Archive/Alamy)

Amsale wedding dresses designed for numerous film and television productions, including Julia Roberts comedy Runaway Bride (Credit: PA Archive / Alamy)

So how do you change the wear and Amsale bridal industry start his business in the 1980s? "The main change I noticed is that women have become more independent, they seized greater control of the project and their parents wedding planning. More recently, it seems that not only the bride, but also the boyfriend has become more complicated, and more and more the circle of friends of the couple. And brides have more options, more variety. "

When he was asked to design clothing for the film and television - it is designed to Runaway Bride, 27 Dresses, The Hangover and Grey's Anatomy, among many others - Amsale not hesitate. "I want to come to the wedding films as if they were the royal wedding and the place I like to think of royal weddings and fantasies, so in the end there is a big difference for me between the two."

In the corridor to the track

As Amsale, British designer Alice Temperley designed their own wedding dress. "The theme of my wedding was Ethereal in 1920, and the celebrations were in the place where I grew up in Somerset," he told the BBC Culture. "We had a colorful mix of 220 great friends celebrating late night in the beautiful gardens of my parents' cider farm. My own dress was created from the old French lace I cared for years dotted with sequins 1920 mm 2 Original've had since I was a kid."

(Credit: Alice Temperley)

Alice Temperley information has also created her own wedding dress - which is based on the 1920s and '30s chic look that is sexy but wise (Credit: Alice Temperley)

In their wedding dresses, Temperley is based on a variety of influences. "I see many places and different times. In particular, I look at the 20's and 30 silhouettes and Victorian pieces to detail. "His favorite is the classic wedding dress Temperley John, she said." Because of the intricate beading and embellishment. I love the attention to detail and '20s silhouette. "

The wedding dress is a rich seam such aesthetics that not many wedding dresses designers are following the convention to end his shows with a sensational wedding dress as a triumphant end. Even the enfant terrible of British fashion Gareth Pugh - whose scandalous, sculptural creations marked the likes of Lady Gaga and Kylie Minogue - designed a wedding dress, her director friend of Katie Shillingford mode. The result was an incredibly romantic setting with intricate details, recently exhibited at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London.

(Credit: Amy Gwatkin)

Style wedding dress retro Gareth Pugh, fashion director for Katie Shillingford was recently featured at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London (Credit: Amy Gwatkin)

The dialogue between the designer and the bride-to-be intrinsically important, according to Pugh. "It is certainly a conversation," says BBC Business. "With Katie had many meetings where we sat and talked. Then we went through the things he had done before, try things out, throw around ideas, look for fabrics and colors ... I am very aware that it had to be involved in the dress creating feel connected to it, rather than simply presented with some sketches.

"Katie has a very specific sensibility, and I wanted to make sure we did. As a designer, it is very important to hear what the bride-to-miss, instead of trying to push an idea to not subject feelcomfortable with ... Fortunately, however, we were very happy with the end result. "

So Pugh thinks a wedding dress that makes a statement about the significance of the bride identity? "Ultimately, all that choose to wear is an expression of who we are. A wedding is a significant and important day for those involved, and as one of the centers of the traditional event, the dress must be significant and important for everyone who takes it. "

Botanic Gardens Conservation International

Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) is the world’s largest plant conservation network, and it’s trying to save the planet’s plants. Based at Kew in London, the group’s membership includes over 800 botanic gardens from 118 countries. These gardens work together to share info, battle climate change, educate the public about the environment, and coordinate protection efforts. BGCI currently runs large conservation projects in China, North America, Russia, and the Mid East. Check out the Eastern Prairie White Fringed Orchid, one of the species they’re working to save in Illinois.  You can help by donating, becoming an individual member, and supporting your own local botanical garden.

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What Every Woman Needs To Know About Breast Cancer

Reese Witherspoon, Avon Foundation for Women Honorary Chair, poses with breast cancer survivors at the 2011 Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.Reese Witherspoon, Avon Foundation for Women Honorary Chair, poses with breast cancer survivors at the 2011 Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. (photo: Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images)

The survival rates for bosom disease are great - superior to anything great, truly - particularly for bosom growth in its soonest stages.

The force of pink is a message that ought to stretch out a long ways past October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness month. As we move far from the pink inflatables, T-shirts and mottos, we have to keep on being mindful of our own bodies, as instruction is critical to survival. With respect to the bosom disease survivors, the individuals who are as yet battling and the ladies who have lost their fights, their stories ought to keep on being told. By sharing these ladies' stories, getting instructed and discussing what bosom disease mindfulness truly implies, we keep trust alive and motivate others to continue battling.

Bringing issues to light

Dr. Christopher Sherman, who works in mammography perusing at Memorial Medical Center in Lufkin, Texas, takes note of that one in eight ladies will be determined to have bosom tumor. Be that as it may, with right on time identification, Sherman clarifies that the chances for survival are high. As indicated by Sherman, mammography can distinguish bosom disease at its soonest stages; all the more particularly, before the growth can really be felt by the patient or by a looking at doctor.

"Ordinarily, [early discovery occurs] when it is under 1 centimeter in size," said Sherman. "This is known as a preclinical injury, on the grounds that it can't be felt by the doctor in the facility however can be seen on mammography." That's the reason general mammographies, which can identify these little tumors, are so critical. "The survival rates for bosom tumor are great - superior to anything great, truly - particularly for bosom disease in its soonest stages," he said. "Ladies simply need to get their mammograms. At that point the chemotherapy we have will work more often than not." (He does take note of that there are types of bosom malignancy that are impervious to chemotherapy, for example, the triple-negative bosom tumor.)

With expanded mindfulness and financing, Sherman plans to see further progressions made. "The poor economy counteracts satisfactory subsidizing for further change in chemotherapeutic treatment," said Sherman. "Should the nation think that its way back to flourishing, financing ought to wind up accessible to make more headways in disease chemotherapeutic operators, for example, quality coordinated treatments."

Regardless of that, ladies today still have numerous apparatuses to stay protected and sound. The American Cancer Society prescribes that a lady acquire a standard screening mammogram at age 35 then yearly mammography after age 40. Sherman says that bosom malignancy in ladies less than 40 years old is uncommon, however that it is still essential to get checked at 35 and to end up instructed about general bosom wellbeing mindfulness.

Ladies ought to recollect that a bosom disease conclusion is not a capital punishment, and there is still a high risk of survival. Nonetheless, for the lady who does get the news that she has bosom tumor, Sherman says there are some prompt steps that continue. "Commonly, the lady's doctor advises her the consequences of her bosom biopsy in that doctor's office. The lady's doctor sets up a meeting with a bosom specialist for surgery - fractional or complete mastectomy. This is normally done likewise day as the lady is told," said Sherman. He noticed that if a lady is determined to have DCIS or early stage intrusive ductal carcinoma, she ordinarily goes for halfway mastectomy, then postoperative radiation treatment. In the event that the disease is in more than one of four quadrants of the bosom is still early-arrange, then the lady commonly gets a mastectomy. In late-organize tumor, where the disease is bigger than 5 centimeters and/or metastasized to the axillary lymph hubs, he said, "then the lady goes to an oncologist for chemotherapy to therapist the malignancy in the bosom and lymph hubs before surgery."

Check Yourself

While planning your mammogram may not start until age 35, the American Cancer Society exhorts ladies in their 20s to teach themselves about bosom disease mindfulness. This incorporates figuring out how to perform the bosom self-exam or BSE. Full guidelines on the most proficient method to perform the BSE are recorded on the American Cancer Society's site (see Resources).

Most critical, Sherman says ladies ought to stay mindful of their bodies. "A lady ought to know her bosoms and notification when there is a protuberance," exhorted Sherman. In the case of anything seems sporadic, it ought to be checked by a wellbeing proficient quickly. Likewise, the American Cancer Society's site says its vital to note that discovering a change does not so much mean it is tumor. Don't self-analyze; contact your specialist on the off chance that you notice something not right. Keep in mind, early location is key. Furthermore, don't be reluctant to ask your specialist questions. Learning is force.

Never Stop Fighting

Early location helped her to survive. Notwithstanding, it was Jane Cashner's confidence, family and companionships that brought her through some of life's bleakest minutes. Cashner, who lives in Montgomery, Texas, clearly reviewed the inclination of hopelessness upon first being determined to have bosom growth in 2004. "I recall feeling that this was such a capital punishment and saw no trust at the time," said Cashner. "I encountered resentment, disarray, uncertainty, tension and a large number of different feelings. I cried a ton."

Cashner has stayed tumor free for a long time. Her account of survival bears demonstration of the way that having bosom growth is not a capital punishment. "With information and much petition to God, I discovered that there is quite a lot more trust than that. I invested energy finding out about the malignancy I had. I needed to discover how to be healthier, something I had not pondered," said Cashner.

Outfitted with learning, cherishing bolster and trust later on, Cashner discovered the quality she expected to take up arms against disease. Moreover, Cashner had the capacity get the malignancy right on time, as she saw a spot on her bosom and quickly looked for restorative consideration. "I had it tried a few times and the reports were all negative. I went ahead to chapel camp and when I got back, the spot had got a bit greater, so by and by I had it tried," said Cashner. "It was negative once more, yet my specialist needed to uproot it since it had developed. When I left surgery, I was staggered and numb to discover it was malignant."

In spite of first learning of the stunning news, Cashner said making a move right off the bat assumed a pivotal part in surviving. "There is so much data accessible today. Lives can be spared with ahead of schedule identification," said Cashner. "It has permitted me to live."

9 Back-to-School Traditions to Document Educational Milestones


back to school traditions

With the reckoning of "back to class" upon us, mothers all around are in planning mode. We're purchasing knapsacks, arranging snacks and are prepared to execute those back-to-class conventions that we hold dear. Here are 9 BTS customs that my family cherishes. We trust you do, as well!

Back-to-School Photo Traditions

Take the conventional BTS photograph conventions to another level with an itemized concentrate on what you plan to report. Here are three basic points of view when shooting your conventional back-to-class photographs.

1. Track your kid's development: Use an easel, rather than a handheld board, to archive your youngster's development — and take the photo before the easel. As you proceed with the custom over the long run, your tyke's stature will likewise be recorded. Regardless of the fact that you don't have an easel, shoot the picture alongside the same tree or other visual marker rather than a clear divider.

2. Compose an announcement: Actually, archive your youngster's announcement! Ask the same question prior and then afterward the school year and perceive how her reaction changes. Our inquiry is "The thing that makes you amped up for school?" — and her answers dependably fill my heart. Add the solutions for your BTS photograph customs.

3. Incorporate their top choices: We cherish books, so I keep our convention in light of my girl's most loved scholarly impact, yet capturing your tyke with his most loved book, toy or action is a basic BTS photograph custom that will further help record his improvem



Archive Educational Milestones

4. Lead quarterly meetings: Do you know what your kid knows? Take a quarterly evaluation of her developments in view of summed up inquiries that you can posture for quite a long time to come. Archive how her feeling of reason develops and her values structure.

5. Record your tyke perusing the same book: Record your minimal one perusing the same book over the course of the years and listen as you hear how he advances from prereader to abstract mate.

6. Make an existence and learning report: Whether composed or described by your minimal one, archive her point of view on life and learning with a report. What is she realizing in school? Does she feel the data is vital? What subjects are most intriguing to her? How would her kin, folks, companions affect her learning? Request that her compose definite stories or draw pictures. Include her school extends in there, as well. Listen for the subtle elements and report them. Over the course of the years, you'll have the capacity to see how the force of learning has transformed her life.

Conventions with Teachers

The instructors who touch our youngsters' lives merit celebrating. Here are a couple of conventions to begin to help archive the relationship your youngster has with his instructors.

7. Request that educators compose a glad birthday message: I adore the instructor engravings made in adolescence books, however why not center that message on your tyke's birthday? Birthdays inspire a characteristic marker of development and help archive points of reference. Give educators a characteristic approach to message a note on that development. On the off chance that your minimal one has a late spring birthday, request that his educator compose a note in their birthday book on the most recent day of school.

8. Give instructor gratefulness endowments: Kids love custom and schedules in light of the fact that it gives them a feeling of comprehension. Research an educator gratefulness blessing that feels special to your youngster and offer that as a blessing every year. Your tyke will love imparting the historical backdrop of this convention to her instructors.

9. Praise the "instructor" in them: Help your tyke discover and sharpen her own particular novel endowments by recognizing that we're all educators to somebody. Is your minimal one an incredible huge sister? A phenomenal companion? Esteem, grasp and record the instructor in your little understudy by provoking her to make a rundown of the considerable number of ways she can offer back to her surroundings by sharing her capacities.


Bee Orchids

Bee Orchids know how to appeal to bees. In the first video below, a botanist from London’s Natural History Museum explores the elaborate deceptions of these fascinating plants. Also known as Ophrys apifera, Bee Orchids mimic the appearance and pheromones of their namesake bugs to trick them into pollinating their flowers. The video also shows a related species, the Late Spider Orchid, Ophrys fuciflora, which is another insect mimic.

Like many orchids, Bee Orchids attract only one species of pollinator. That may not seem like an efficient strategy, but it helps the plants deliver their pollen to flowers of the same species. The next video shows another Ophrys variety, the False Spider Orchid, which also has great bee-appeal.

To learn more about __orchid pollination strategies, check out this great Oxford University Press blog post about __orchid deception.

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Flower Power Fights Pests

What if you could improve the health of your garden by adding more flowers? Washington State University researchers have discovered that Sweet Alyssum attracts lots of beneficial insects. These insects provide natural pest control by hunting bugs which munch on garden greenery. After experimenting with a few types of plants, researchers found that Sweet Alyssum attracted the most beneficials.

Sweet Alyssum, Lobularia maritimaSweet Alyssum flowers close up, Lobularia maritimaSweet Alyssum, Lobularia maritima, growing outdoors in Pacifica, California

Sweet Alyssum is a fragrant Mediterranean native, often grown as a tough, drought-tolerant groundcover. Clusters of tiny flowers emit a strong, sweet honey scent. This annual species is easy to grow, and reseeds readily. In hot climates, it prefers shade, but in cooler climates, it enjoys full sun. Cut the old flowers back to encourage new blooms. I’ve seen many varieties of pink and purple, but white flowers seem to be the most popular.

Attracting beneficial insects is a great non-toxic way to control pests. This and other natural strategies, like using carnivorous plants, can spare you dangerous chemicals, and actually add life to your garden. For those growing orchids outdoors, Sweet Alyssum is a winning addition.

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The Yellow Lady’s Slipper, Afoot in Central Park

Much to everybody’s surprise, there’s a rare, native Lady’s Slipper blooming in Central Park. The New York Times reports that a dozen flower buds have been growing over the past few weeks, and they’re starting to open. The plant is the Yellow Lady’s Slipper, also known as Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens. This __orchid species is native to almost all of the USA and Canada, but increasingly rare. It once bloomed in New York City, but its large, brilliant flowers can’t help but be noticed, and it disappeared long before the skyscrapers arrived. In an attempt to bring it back, Central Park staff had purchased and planted one in the Ramble.

Introduced by woodland managers for the Central Park Conservancy well over a decade ago, the plant was purchased from a reputable grower and planted at a time when the orchids were only beginning to be commercially available. It was then forgotten until it began blooming two years later, to the surprise of both staff and urban ecologists. I imagine the first naturalist to recount this rarest of Manhattan sightings must have been greeted as if he were reporting an alien abduction.

The return of this “ethereal masterwork of nature” to New York City is surprising enough, but its public location is even more so. Despite thousands of park visitors passing the __orchid daily, it has not been damaged or dug up, which often seems to be the fate of these beautiful Lady’s Slippers. Please remember that native orchids are endangered, and you should never pick a wild orchid or dig up the plant. It’s illegal, and the trauma almost always kills it.

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The Coconut Orchid

Maxillariella tenuifolia, aka Maxillaria tenuifolia, aka Coconut Orchid, fragrant __orchid species, red white and yellow flower, Pana'ewa Rainforest Zoo, Hilo, HawaiiMaxillariella tenuifolia, aka Maxillaria tenuifolia, aka Coconut Orchid, fragrant __orchid species, red white and yellow flowers and leaves, Kawamoto orchid Nursery, Honolulu, HawaiiMaxillariella tenuifolia, aka Maxillaria tenuifolia, aka Coconut Orchid, fragrant orchid species, red white and yellow flowers and leaves, grown in San Francisco, California

Whatever the Coconut orchid lacks in showiness, it makes up with fragrance. This tropical species features brilliant red flowers, but they’re often hidden in the foliage. However, their sweet coconut scent always gives them away.

Maxillariella tenuifolia, aka Maxillaria tenuifolia, aka Coconut Orchid, fragrant orchid species, red white and yellow flowers, grown in San Francisco, CaliforniaMaxillariella tenuifolia, aka Maxillaria tenuifolia, aka Coconut Orchid, fragrant orchid species, red white and yellow flower, grown in San Francisco, CaliforniaMaxillariella tenuifolia, aka Maxillaria tenuifolia, aka Coconut Orchid, fragrant orchid species, red white and yellow flower, long narrow leaves, grown in San Francisco, California

Coconut Orchids are easy to grow, and with their delicious aroma, they are popular choices for orchid lovers. Their deep red flowers can last more than two months. This species is better known by its old name, Maxillaria tenuifolia, than its new name, Maxillariella tenufolia (trust me — there are a few extra letters in the new name.) Whatever it’s called, it’s native to tropical rainforests from Mexico south to Costa Rica.

Maxillariella tenuifolia, aka Maxillaria tenuifolia, aka Coconut Orchid, fragrant orchid species, red white and yellow flower, grown in San Francisco, CaliforniaMaxillariella tenuifolia, aka Maxillaria tenuifolia, aka Coconut Orchid, fragrant orchid species, red white and yellow flower, grown in San Francisco, CaliforniaMaxillariella tenuifolia, aka Maxillaria tenuifolia, aka Coconut Orchid, fragrant orchid species, red white and yellow flowers, long narrow leaves, grown in San Francisco, California

To care for Coconut Orchids, provide morning sun, regular water, fertilizer, high humidity, and winter dormancy. My Coconut orchid has been a faithful harbinger of spring for over a decade, blooming with dozens of flowers each year. I rely on my nose to know when they’ve opened. I’ll be enjoying their sweet coconut scent until they finish.

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Mother’s Day Orchid Care

With brilliant colors and fascinating shapes, orchids have become favorite gifts for Mother’s Day. Don’t worry if you don’t have a green thumb; most orchids don’t deserve their finicky reputations. A few care basics can help you enjoy your tropical flowers for a long time.

Phalaenopsis hybrid, Moth __orchid harlequin pattern, Orchids in the Park 2013, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CaliforniaPhalaenopsis flower close up, white Moth Orchid, Orchids in the Park 2013, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CaliforniaPhalaenopsis Sogo Berry 'KHM 1219', Moth __orchid hybrid, Orchids in the Park 2013, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California

To get the most out of your gift, check these helpful care tips:

  • Identify your orchid to better understand its light, temperature, and water needs. You don’t need to find its exact name, just its orchid family. Phals, or Moth Orchids, are the most popular (shown in the three photos above.) Cattleyas, Dendrobiums, Oncidiums, and Paphs are also favorites.
  • If you cannot identify your orchid, use these general care tips.
  • To water, soak roots and potting material thoroughly. Let the excess drain out of the holes in the bottom of the pot. Don’t allow the pot to sit in water for more than a few hours, or the roots may rot.
  • When you water, remove ribbons, wrapping paper, or decorative containers if they block drainage holes.
  • All orchids need high humidity and good air movement. Dry, stagnant air can cause blooms to wilt.
  • As cut flowers, orchids don’t need any special care. Keep out of direct sun, and change their water every couple days to keep blossoms fresh.
  • Browse AboutOrchids for more growing tips, FAQ, and beautiful photos. Enjoying orchids has never been easier.

Paphiopedilum, Lady Slipper flower, Orchids in the Park 2013, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CaliforniaOncidium hybrid, Dancing Lady flowers, Orchids in the Park 2013, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CaliforniaCattleya hybrid, Orchids in the Park 2013, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California

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How to Paint a lion nail (Step by Step Tutorial)

The shape of spikes, spiky petals is what gave these plants his name.

The word "lion" is actually a lion's tooth French name, meaning "Dandelion".

You will need:

Her nails painted a color that will leave dandelion really "pop"

A fine brush nail art

The color of nail polish to be displayed against its background color

I chose to use black and white, because I love the look silhouette in black and white can create.

How to paint Dandelion Nail Art


How to Paint Dandelion Nail Art

Source: Chace Watkins

Step 1: Painting a solid background

For your dandelion in the center of the show, begins to paint the nails of a plain, solid color. You can paint a beautiful blue to represent the sky, green to represent grass, or just simple, elegant black and white.

Source: Chace Watkins

Step 2: The rod

Using a thin nail art brush, paint the trunk at a slight angle (for a more natural look). He must hit the nail halfway around to make room for all the fluff later. To keep your bar is too thick, make sure to wipe off any excess polish off of your brush.

Source: Chace Watkins

Source: Chace Watkins

Step 3: The center

With the tip of the nail art brush, stippling some polish around the end of the stem to form the center of the seeds. Should be roughly circular in shape, but do not focus too hard to get absolutely perfectly round.

Source: Chace Watkins

Source: Chace Watkins

Source: Chace Watkins

Step 4: The "Parachute"

Using a brush is almost completely dry (do not want there to be a lot of ink, or their seeds will come out as huge bubbles), draw very fine lines radiating from the center of the flower. Try to make them slightly tilted, even crossing each other in some places, to create depth, variety and a more realistic look.

When finished, it should be something like fireworks exploding or a spider with lots of legs.

Source: Chace Watkins

Source: Chace Watkins

Source: Chace Watkins

Step 5: Completing the lint

With the tip of the nail art brush, apply small lines around the outside of the flower at the tips of fine lines you just drew. Sometimes Avoid pressing too hard or too many in a given area.

To make your three-dimensional flower, lightly dab on some points of the mass of the flower (as seen through the thin seed for the other side). When finished, the dandelion should be fluffy and full.

Source: Chace Watkins

Source: Chace Watkins

Step 6: Add Grass

In order to keep your dandelion sits alone, you can add herb leaf sweeping motions using fast even with the tip of his brush nail art. Cancellation of some of them to a three-dimensional illusion. In addition, pressuring bases, relieving pressure as it approaches the tip of the blade creates a natural look.


Try to make them rotate in the same direction as the flower to make it look like a gentle breeze blowing through the area.


Orchid Hybrid Vigor

Laeliocattleya hybrid, purple white and yellow flowers, Pacific __orchid Expo 2015, San Francisco, CaliforniaCymbidium hybrid, red white and yellow flowers, Pacific __orchid Expo 2015, San Francisco, CaliforniaAustralian Dendrobium hybrid, white yellow and hot pink flowers, Pacific orchid Expo 2015, San Francisco, California

Shopping for the perfect Mother’s Day gift? An orchid hybrid is your best bet. Hybrids are crosses between closely related plants. Breeders cross-pollinate different orchid varieties, and then choose the best offspring. Hybrid vigor emerges when the best traits from both parents create tougher descendants. They are often easy to grow and flower, and hardy enough to survive some neglect. Hybrids usually have larger and longer-lasting blooms. With basic orchid care info, they’re as easy as other common houseplants.

Fortunately, most orchids sold today are hybrids. If you buy from a supermarket or home improvement store, you’re almost certainly buying a hybrid. If you buy from a florist or garden center, it’s likely to be a hybrid, but you should always ask if you’re not sure. orchid species can have finicky care needs, and you wouldn’t want your gift to cause your mother any stress. Tell her not to worry, and that’s it’s easy to care for an orchid with hybrid vigor.

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May Orchid Shows

Orchid shows are one of the best places to learn about orchids. Most shows feature local experts, knowledgable vendors, and __orchid society members who are eager to share their love of this amazing plant family. Many events are timed for Mother’s Day celebrations on May 10th.

May 1 – 2
Maclean District __orchid Society Autumn Show, McLean Bowls Club, McLachlan St., Maclean, NSW, Australia
May 1 – 3
Blue Ridge orchid Society Show, Center in the Square, Advance Auto Parts Atrium, 1 Market St., Roanoke, Virginia
May 1 – 3
Exposicion Nacional de Orquideas Cartago, Centro Comercial Paseo Metropoli, La Lima, Entrada a Cartago, Cartago, Costa Rica
May 1 – 3
North Gauteng orchid Society Autumn Show, Safari Garden Centre, Pretoria, Gauteng Province, South Africa
May 1 – 3
Rustenburg orchid Society Autumn Show, Waterfall Garden Centre, Rustenburg, North West Province, South Africa
May 1 – 3
Orchid’en Seine, Jardin des Plantes, 114 ter, av. des Martyrs de la Resistance, 76100 Rouen, France
May 1 – 3
Journees des Orchidees, Jardins du Manoir d’Eyrignac, 24590 Salignac-Eyvigues, France
May 1 – 3
Salon des Orchidees, Salle des Fetes, 37250 Veigne, France
May 1 – 3
Exposicao de Orquideas de Orquidario, Jardim Botanico, Rua Jardim Botanico, 1008, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
May 1 – 3
Exposicao Nacional de Orquideas de Mogi Guacu, Campo da Lagoa, Jardim Murilo, Mogi Guacu, Sao Paulo, Brazil

May 1 – 3
Exposicao Nacional de Orquideas de Monte Alto, Centro de Convivencia da Melhor Idade, Av. 15 de maio, Monte Alto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
May 1 – 3
Exposicao Nacional de Orquideas de Garca, Gremio Teatral Leopoldo Froes, Carlos Ferrari, 594, Garca, Sao Paulo, Brazil
May 2
Delaware orchid Society Auction, Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, 1006 Wilson Rd., Wilmington, Delaware
May 2
North of England orchid Society Monthly Meeting & Show, Barton Village Hall, Barton, Lancashire, UK
May 2
Redlands orchid Society Show, Donald Simpson Centre, 171 Bloomfield St., Cleveland, Queensland, Australia
May 2 – 3
Southern Tier orchid Society Show, Oakdale Mall, 601-605 Harry L. Dr., Johnson City, New York
May 2 – 3
Platinum Coast orchid Society Show & Sale, Kiwanis Island Park Gym, 951 Kiwanis Island Park Rd., Merritt Island, Florida
May 2 – 3
Kansas City Regional orchid Show, Loose Park Garden Center, 5200 Pennsylvania Ave., Kansas City, Missouri
May 2 – 3
Gympie & District orchid Society Show, Gympie Garden Expo, Gympie Showgrounds, Gympie, Queensland, Australia
May 3
Fenland orchid Society Show, Terrington St. Clement Village Hall, Churchgate Way, Terrington St. Clement, Norfolk, UK
May 3 – 4
Darlington & District orchid Society Show, Raby Castle, Staindrop, Darlington, County Durham, UK
May 6 – 8
Redcliffe District orchid Society Show, Redcliffe Municipal Library, Oxley Ave., Redcliffe, Queensland, Australia
May 6 – 9
Boolaroo orchid Society Show, Belmont Citi-Centre, Macquarie St., Belmont, NSW, Australia
May 7 – 8
Ayr & District orchid Society Show, Burdekin Centrepoint, Queen St., Ayr, Queensland, Australia
May 7 – 9
Maui orchid Society Mothers’ Day Show, Maui Mall, 70 East Kaahumanu Ave., Kahului, Maui, Hawaii
May 7 – 9
Lockyer Valley orchid Society Show, Gatton Shire Hall, North St., Gatton, Queensland, Australia
May 7 – 9
Hawkesbury District orchid Show, Richmond Market Place, March St., Richmond, NSW, Australia
May 7 – 9
Gold Coast District orchid Society Show, Pines Shopping Centre, Guiness Rd. & McGrath Dr., Elanora, Queensland, Australia
May 7 – 9
Logan & District orchid Society Mother’s Day Display & Sale, Centro Shopping Mall, Springwood, NSW, Australia
May 7 – 10
Five Dock RSL orchid Society Show, Leichhardt Market Town, Flood St., Leichhardt, NSW, Australia
May 8 – 10
Lowveld orchid Group Autumn Show, Riverside Mall, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga, South Africa
May 8 – 10
Zululand orchid Society Autumn Show, Boardwalk Inkwazi Shopping Centre, Richards Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
May 8 – 10
Wolkberg orchid Society Mother’s Day Show, Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre, Tzaneen, Limpopo, South Africa
May 8 – 10
East Rand orchid Society Autumn Show, Edenvale Community Centre, Edenvale, Gauteng, South Africa
May 8 – 10
Exposicao Nacional de Orquideas de Araras, Hipermercado Tiradentes, Av. Dona Renata, 1075, Jd. Itapua, Pav. Superior, Araras, Sao Paulo, Brazil
May 8 – 10
Ballina & District orchid Society Mother’s Day Show, RSL Club, River St., Ballina, NSW, Australia
May 8 – 10
Bundaberg orchid Society Autumn Show, Bundaberg Civic Centre, Bourbong St., Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia
May 8 – 10
North Queensland orchid Society Cairns Mother’s Day Show, Mt. Sheridan Shopping Centre, Cairns, Queensland, Australia
May 9
Northeast Judging Center Judges Forum, St. Andrews Episcopal Church, 232 Durham Rd., Madison, Connecticut
May 9
orchid Society of Great Britain Essex Group Spring Show, Billericay South Green Memorial Hall, Southend Rd., Billericay, Essex, UK
May 9
Ecuagenera y Cioccolato, Km. 10.3 Antigua Carretera a El Salvador (Muxbal), Sta. Catarina Pinula, Guatemala City, Guatemala
May 9
Toowoomba orchid Society Autumn Show, St. Pauls Lutheran Church, Phillip St., Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
May 9
Pumicestone District orchid & Foliage Society Show, Ningi Hall, Bribie Island Rd., Ningi, Queensland, Australia
May 9 – 10
orchid Society of California Mother’s Day Show & Sale, Lakeside Garden Center, 666 Bellevue Ave., Oakland, California
May 9 – 10
South Central Washington orchid Society Show & Sale, Tri-Tech Skills Center, 5929 W. Metaline, Kennewick, Washington
May 9 – 10
Volusia County orchid Society Show & Sale, Volusia County Fairgrounds, Hester Bldg., 3100 E. New York Ave., DeLand, Florida
May 9 – 10
Oklahoma orchid Society Mother’s Day Show & Sale, Will Rogers Garden Exhibition Center, 3400 NW 36th St., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
May 9 – 10
Trinidad and Tobago South orchid Show, Southern Academy for the Performing Arts, Todd St., San Fernando, Trinidad & Tobago
May 9 – 10
Aspley orchid Society Mother’s Day Show, Community Hall, Edinburgh Castle Rd., Wavell Heights, Queensland, Australia
May 9 – 10
Noosa District orchid & Foliage Show, CWA Hall, Maple St., Cooroy, Queensland, Australia
May 9 – 10
Pietermaritzburg orchid Society Autumn Show, Allan Wilson Shellhole, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
May 9 – 10
Natal orchid Society Autumn Show, Parkhill Bowling Club, Umhlanga Rocks Dr., Durban North, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
May 10
orchid Society of Northwestern Pennsylvania Show, Palms Banquet Room, Boston’s, 8071 Peach St., Erie, Pennsylvania
May 10
Sheffield & District orchid Society Show, Chatsworth Cavendish Hall, Edensor, Derbyshire, UK
May 14
Journee des Plantes, Salle des Fetes, 10200 Bergeres, France
May 14 – 17
Exposition Internationale d’Orchidees, Abbaye Royale du Moncel, 5 Rue du Moncel, 60700 Pontpoint, France
May 15 – 17
Redland International orchid Festival, Fruit & Spice Park, 24801 SW 187th Ave., Homestead, Florida
May 15 – 17
Memphis orchid Society Show & Sale, Memphis Botanic Garden, 750 Cherry Rd., Memphis, Tennessee
May 15 – 17
Orchids Out West, Hawkesbury Racecourse, Racecourse Rd., Clarendon, South Australia, Australia
May 15 – 17
Cape orchid Society Autumn Show, Alphen Centre, Constantia, Cape Town, South Africa
May 16
Devon orchid Society Show, Budleigh Salterton Public Hall, Station Rd., Budleigh Salterton, Devon, UK
May 16 – 17
Glasgow orchid Fair, Kibble Palace, Glasgow Botanic Gardens, Great Western Rd,, Glasgow, UK
May 16 – 17
Orchibo, Villa Aldrovandi Mazzacorati, Via Toscana 19, Bologna, Italy
May 17
Bowen orchid & Foliage Society Field Day, Bowen Showgrounds, Bowen Hills, Queensland, Australia
May 19 – 23
RHS Chelsea Flower Show, Royal Hospital, Chelsea, London, UK
May 21 – 22
Maryborough District orchid Society Show, Fraser Coast Ag Showgrounds, 23349 Bruce Hwy. Maryborough, Queensland, Australia
May 21 – 23
Tweed District orchid Society Winter Show, Tweed City Shopping Centre, Tweed Heads South, NSW, Australia
May 21 – 24
Bankstown orchid Society Autumn Show, Chester Square Shopping Centre, Leicester St., Chester Hill, NSW, Australia
May 23 – 24
Northwestern Michigan orchid Society Show & Sale, Grand Traverse County Civic Center, 1213 W. Civic Center Dr., Traverse City, Michigan
May 23 – 24
Calgary orchid Show & Sale, Triwood Community Centre, 2244 Chicoutimi Dr. NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
May 23 – 24
Goulburn Valley orchid Society Show, Shepparton Harness Racing Track Hall, Goulburn Valley Hwy. Kialla, Victoria, Australia
May 23 – 24
Boyne Tannum orchid & Foliage Society Autumn Show, St. Francis Church School Hall, Tannum Sands, Queensland, Australia
May 27
Newcastle orchid Society Show, Edgeworth Shopping Centre, Main Rd., Edgeworth, NSW, Australia
May 29 – 31
New Orleans orchid Society Show & Sale, Lakeside Shopping Center, 3301 Veterans Memorial Hwy., Metairie, Louisiana
May 29 – 31
Long Island orchid Festival, Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park, 1395 Planting Fields Rd., Oyster Bay, New York
May 29 – 31
Casino & District orchid Society Show, St. Marks Parish Hall, Barker St., Casino, NSW, Australia
May 29 – 31
orchid Symposium, Sir Tristan Lounge, Tauranga Racecourse, Cameron Rd., Greerton, New Zealand
May 29 – 31
Exposition Internationale d’Orchidees, Distillerie de Biercee, Ragnies, Belgium
May 29 – 31
Orchids And Wine, Cantina Rotari, Via del Teroldego 1/E, I-38016 Mezzocorona, Trento, Italy
May 30 – 31
Maitland & Coalfields District orchid Society Show, St. James Anglican Church Hall, High & Tank Sts., Morpeth, NSW, Australia
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UC Botanical Garden at Berkeley

After blogging about the spectacular orchids at the UC Botanical Garden at Berkeley, it only seems fair to give the rest of the flowers a chance. There’s plenty more to the garden’s collections, with plants from around the world. Here are some of our best photos. The first six pictures highlight a few of the drought-tolerant plants growing outdoors.
Honeybee in flight laden with orange pollen of Aloe castanea, , Univ. of California Botanical Garden at BerkeleyBeavertail Cactus, Opuntia aff prolifera, with purple fruit, Univ. of California Botanical Garden at BerkeleySparaxis elegans close up, orange petals with purple center, Univ. of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley

Orange and yellow flower, Univ. of California Botanical Garden at BerkeleyPurple flowers of Puya bromeliad species native to Talca Chile, grown outdoors at Univ. of California Botanical Garden at BerkeleyFlowers of Aloe capitata var quartziticola, grown outdoors at Univ. of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley

The next photo presents one of the garden’s best vistas: an incredible view of San Francisco Bay, with Alcatraz in the foreground, and the distant Farallon Islands appearing faintly in the background over the Golden Gate Bridge. The final row of pictures shows a few of the prickly gems of the Arid House. They all point to a beautiful visit!

View of Golden Gate Bridge Alcatraz and San Francisco Bay from Univ. of California Botanical Garden at BerkeleyTrillium in bloom, Univ. of California Botanical Garden at BerkeleyProtea burchellii, close up of flower, Univ. of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley

Mammillaria crucigera, small cactus with small bright pink flowers, Arid House, Univ. of California Botanical Garden at BerkeleyAloe with red edged leaves, Arid House, Univ. of California Botanical Garden at BerkeleyAlluaudia ascendens leaves and spines, Arid House, Univ. of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley

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